Inhale, Exhale: An Air Quality Podcast
Science-based podcast on the quality of the air we breathe and how it affects our health. Presented by a science educator who cares a lot about the air we breathe.
3 episodes
Episode 3: What Is AQI?
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a simple way to communicate how clean or polluted the air is, using numbers and colors that anyone can understand. But what does it all mean, and how does that affect you?In this episode, we decode the ...
Season 1
Episode 3
Episode 2: The Air We Breathe
What if I told you that with each breath, you’re inhaling much more than just the air you need to survive? Tiny, invisible particles, chemicals, and gases enter your lungs every time you breathe. Some are harmless. Some are not.On this ...
Season 1
Episode 2

Episode 1: Inhale, Exhale: An Introduction to Air Quality
Welcome to the introductory episode of Inhale, Exhale: An Air Quality Podcast! Breathing. It’s one of the most basic things we require to stay alive, and yet, we rarely stop to consider what’s actually in the air we're taking in. C...
Season 1
Episode 1